The price manipulation scandal sounded widely during pricer.lt price survey as Lidl prices began to blink and fall down. The pricer.lt had to disqualify because the prices were unclear and incomprehensible or could be compared.

But despite the results obtained on February 27, it is indescribably wondering what those prices are without manipulation and how networks play with research and buyers. Therefore, on March 9, we were ready to see how the cheapest pricer.lt basket was jumping. Saturday is a good day (all the more long weekend), when the office plankton is resting, prices are set for maximum profit absorption, so the same way to come and check it out. We will not check the online stores because the most interesting thing is in physical stores.
And now in detail…
Comparing the price of the cheapest shopping cart of February 27th and March 9, the Lidl raised the price of the cheapest shopping cart – EUR 15.69, and if the fact that Lidl still alternated during the study, the raising of the lowest fixed on February 27 was 16.97 prices on 27 February Eur. Maxima raised EUR 6.08, up to EUR 2.75, Norfa – EUR 1.55, RIMI – EUR 0.88.

If the percentage assessment, the image was formed as follows:
On March 9, LIDL raised the price of the cheapest shopping cart on the price of 28.3 per cent, and if it was estimated that Lidl’s prices were alternated during the study, then the lowest fixed on February 27 was 31.3 per cent, nearly a third. Maxima raised 10.7 %, up to – 4 %, Norfa – 2.5 %, RIMI – 1.2 %.

For what the whole circus was going on for what? Not for lower prices, not for the buyer, but in the name of the rating. Which network pricer.lt price of the cheapest shopping cart would be the lowest if the game was not seen on February 27? Undoubtedly, LIDL – they have reduced the price for a moment of investigation and reduced the price during the investigation.

Would it be okay? Well, according to the usual practice, we would get a large portion of advertising, what LIDL is cheap and then lightning up to 30 percent rebuilt, though more prices and the real situation would be similar to that we recorded on March 9th – Lidl in third place, under the Norfa network. with RIMI and up to a similar price level.

We present the full table of the cheapest goods with all the changes between February 27 and March 9. Green prices that remain unchanged, gray, which have grown, and blue goods that have been spotted at the Lidl store by reducing “live” at the eyes of our researchers.

🟠 What conclusions can be drawn?
We do not say that other networks “do not play” with prices during their fixation period, but we have not yet seen such aggressive, rude action when prices are replaced just before our eyes, as Lidl did. Those prices would have survived each other for a week, but not – they were quickly raised about 30 percent, and some goods (tea) were 3 times. It could be expected from any Lithuanian network, but not from the last “German” network. In fact, it is an attack not against pricer.lt, but against a regular Lithuanian buyer. You wouldn’t want to conduct historical analogies, but what the LIDL network does is typical propaganda when one another ‘combined’ fact is presented as a whole – “written pilas – made in Lithuania”, “Easter shopping cart LIDL – the cheapest”.
Another LIDL principle that has resulted in doubts – their declared unified pricing throughout Lithuania, because information obtained from other cities denies it – prices in other cities may be different.
Such network actions simply require that the statutory regulation of such pricing tricks – setting a changeable price period – requires suppliers to report price changes for some time – why they can change those prices to their customers and when they come, electronic Regulation for the use of price labels – if the networks allow themselves to change prices during the day, then what do customers now need to take all the prices of goods taken during the shopping?
And the main requirement of our often repeated, networks must announce all their prices online so that buyers can make free choices, who and where they are cheaper, without promotional pressure, purchased or smart prices. And you just don’t have to tell you it’s expensive – all networks’ online stores have prices, although selected goods, networks announce which store and how much of the goods there are – it is really realistic to announce regular prices
Well, finally, how much sarcasm. If the LIDL is already very keen on the top of the ranking, let all the goods under investigation make one cents in another price investigation. For a couple of hours a couple of stores will cost them little to do so-the balance of these shops will be € 3,000-4,000. We will write that their basket is 32 cents – how many of those goods are there and will be able to advertise as much as the heart desires “Lidl – the divine price network”.
Why “divine”? Well, if the network can be a “official Easter partner”, why can’t there be a “divine price network”?

Maybe you will buy an official document from a church.